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what flavour do you guy2 thiink the 2ally face character2 would be

per2onally ii thiink iit would go 2omewhat liike thii2

2al - blue ra2berry and cherry

larry - peanut butter and honey, iit'2 liike. iit'2 2tiicky iin your mouth and iit'2 2o good. that or he'd ta2te liike 2moke.

todd - miint twoothpa2te

a2hley - grape juiice and a jelly 2andwiich. no peanut butter for you

travii2 - pii22(ii'm jokiing he'2 an apple juiice flavoured guy)

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Reply by Xx_dani_angel_xX


XDD it fits them sm,so funny

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Reply by holden


Reply by Alamorin


This is honestly so true- this is what I imagine tho!!

Sal - Blue raspberry

Larry - Cola

Ash - Licorice/grape

Todd - Green apple

Travis - Mint. It doesn't make sense but it just does

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Reply by soad.4evr


for me it would go like:

sal - i so agree with the cherry thing :3

larry - definetly the taste/burn in your mouth once you've taken a way bigger hit than expected

tood - banana laffy taffy and im not gonna ever change my answer

ashley - white gatorade

travis (MY FAVVBKhB) - you're so right with the apple juice

extra: kenneth (ewie) - black licorice

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Reply by Kolton!


Sal: blue raspberry and cigarettes

Larry: coffee and cigarettes

Ashley: Grape IDK bruh

Todd: Caramel... nah he would taste like carrot cake or pop rocks

Travis: Butterscotch

chug: big mac

maple: lavender

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Reply by ༺ღ༒ ANGELO ༒ღ༻


I think that the Sally Face characters would taste like this!!

SAL- (I agree with the blue raspberry and cherry! But I think he'd taste like a slushie of those flavors specifically)

LARRY- Gummy worms (not sour) and over carbonated soda! I can't rlly explain this one ^_^

ASHLEY- Probably some kind of berry mix or what Pomegranite/Cranbery LOOKS LIKE (Because I've never had them)

TRAVIS- Sour Apple. Like a sour apple lollipop or jolly rancher and it like stings your cheeks

TODD- Orange or Cream Soda Lollipops 

CHUG- Coca-Cola or one of those chocolate tootsie lollipops!

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