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Sad girl books

Recently found out my favourite book genre. I recently got back into reading I learned how to read at age 4 on my own and never stopped reading until I was 11/12 years old (just noticed thatā€™s friggin 10/11 years ago Iā€™m old) I still read I just read fanfics I started my first one and never stopped reading fanfics like ever I got hooked dare I say I hyperfixated on it. But point is I didnā€™t read any book after that I got lucky in high school the books we had to read I had already read in elementary school so I went 10 years without reading a book and finally decide I need something to be my escape again like it use to so I went to barnes and noble found the last book I had ever read before fanfics consumed me itā€™s called the hate list (I 10/10 recommend so good) then I was like I wanna get a book I havenā€™t read before I looked for hours then looked up bpd books since I have bpd (borderline personality disorder not bipolar but I do have both) the first one recommended was girl in pieces for some reason I looked at the cover on my phone and instantly knew I needed it asked a lady that worked there where it was she told me they must be out of that book on the floor and sheā€™ll check in the back I waited for like 10-14 minutes anxiously because I knew if they didnā€™t have it Iā€™d have to look around for another hour to find another book thatā€™d interest me since I only like a specific type of books the lady comes back and says ā€œyouā€™re in luck this was the last one it was hiddenā€ I gladly took the book from her little did I know it was gonna be my peace. I ended up finishing the book in two days (wouldā€™ve been one day if I didnā€™t have work) and just like that I was in love with books again. I started looking up books similar to girl in pieces found two I wanted. The next day after I finished the book I went back to barnes and noble and I walked around looking for the two books I searched for. I looked for like 30 minutes before I got enough courage to just ask someone where they were. Well turns out they only had one book that I searched up the night before the bell jar. The lady ended up talking me out of getting it because itā€™s low-key racists and they use the N word too much and as a black woman I donā€™t wanna read a book written by a white woman that has the N word in it yet alone a lot of it. So she asked me what genre I was looking for and I literally just said idk I loved girl in pieces and she looked me dead in my eyes and said ā€œso youā€™re a sad girl book type personā€ I stared at her like someone finally understood me for the first time in my 22 years in earth. She showed me Eileen, the girl I use to be, and the female of the species (another girl showed me this book). Iā€™ve now got like 100 pages left of the female of the species which should only take me like 2 hours to finish and Iā€™m excited. Anyways sorry for the long paragraph about how I found out sad girl books are my genre. Just hope someone else sees this and finally knows what genre of book they love too.

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