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online stores?

hi i wanna look more goth irl (my wardrobe has been Very basic for years augh) & i sadly don't have much access to shopping physically for a number of reasons;;; any tips for shopping online/sites i should check out??? thanks in advance!

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Reply by ☆ Rike ☆


I'd look into diy-ing (if you have sowing needles, thread, etc. at hand and/or are willing to buy fabric dye) that's my way to go! It's fun to transform the stuff you already have laying around at home.
Other than that, I think Killstar, Eva Lady (more romantic goth), Punkrave and EMP (they sell band merch mostly, however they also carry lots of alternative fashion! If you want to look into that too) are pretty solid!

Edit: as the poster before more already mentioned, do stay clear off of Shein/Romwe/etc and Dollskill. They steal from artists and honestly the quality is not worth it. Dollskill might be better in quality, but it'd leave a bad taste in my mouth to support a company that prints shirts saying "Goth is white".

Aside from that,
Good luck! :)

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Reply by XxDesmondxX X3


There's quite a few actually! There's Goth Mall, Vampire Freaks and Hot Topic (Which has some decent stuff). I recommend to stay away from online stores like Dolls Kill and Shein because they steal artists designs and and have poor quality items. You could always look up goth stores or goth clothing stores and see what pop up for it! I hope this helps! 

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