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PC game recommendations?

I'm looking for good pc games.
My favorites are usually FPS, like Ultrakill or Borderlands, non-turn based RPGs and practically everything that has fast and fun combat. I also like Inscryption and Maneater. I'm open to anything tho, as long as it isn't a visual novel or a puzzle game, those are too slow for me.
I also really like those Puppet Combo-eque horror games, but I'd prefer something with more then 1-2 hours of playtime.
Btw I have a really shitty Windows 10 laptop so pls don't recommend any games that require stronger PCs, thanks.

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6 Replies

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Reply by saddness95


was gona rec FAITH but that might be too puzzly 

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Reply by Elliejojo


Killing Floor 1 is a great survival co-op FPS with a really satisfying gameplay loop. highly recommend for ya since it's required specs are extremely low. You might get lucky and find a good few servers still active or you can hook up with some buddies!

Most of the soundtrack is killer as well, definitely recommend for your situation.

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Reply by GENOSAD


If you're looking for an FPS that can be played on a low-end laptop, then I would say the Half-Life games are perfect. Otherwise, Hotline Miami 1+2 are really good action games that are actually on sale for super low prices right now.

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Reply by Tokem


Apex Legend is a fun, fast paced fps game and its free. You only start with a few characters but the rest can be unlocked fairly quickly without spending real cash. 

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Reply by Toochi


Cry Of Fear. (ITs spooky but free, If You Have Steam.)

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Reply by λF41ry⦻🍉


Alice madness returns, its a action adventure platformer ヽ(͡✿◕ ͜ʖ ͡◕)ノ(✿ ♡‿♡)

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