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Good mindless game you can carry a convo over?

Sometimes I stream and I find it hard to focus on chat because a lot of the games i like require me to focus on the story so much or are very technical

Fall Guys is all I can think of but im so tired of that lol never even won a crown

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Reply by O Alentejano


Idk, if you're into RTS games, or city builders, but those are 2 genres with very cozy and chill games.
I'd recommend Cities: Skylines, if you want something relaxing and at your own pace.
If you prefer a more medieval style, try Stronghold. It's super cozy.

Additionally, something like Minecraft, or Tower Unite also give you plenty room to talk with viewers.

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Reply by Handsumm


thank you i will look into that!!!

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Reply by λF41ry⦻🍉


work at a pizza placeヽ(͡✿◕ ͜ʖ ͡◕)ノ(✿ ♡‿♡)

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