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Do you think VHS tapes will make a comeback?

Do you think VHS tapes will make a comeback? What do you think will happen?

Do you think it will be back?

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Reply by Davey Treen


Officially… no. Fan made… they already have! There’s a guy in Cincinnati who makes fan art VHS sleeves of newer movies that never got the VHS treatment and they come with an actual tape! Does the movie come on the tape… idk but I’ve bought a few of his pieces: Hairspray (the remake with John Travolta) in the style of the OG 1988 tape, and a shitty Harry Potter knock off, Billy Owens (done in the style of the Sorcerer’s Stone VHS) If you’re interested and live in the USA (they only ship there) they’re called Valashard Toys and Tapes… pretty cool fan art!

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