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Fashion or music tips??

hiiiii I've been emo and i guess a little scene for about a year (i'm new to this website btw) and like i need help with where i can find cool emo clothes because i live in Sweden and its kinda hard to find emo stuff here can anyone help out? :/ also it would be sick if anyone could recommend some emo or scene band/artists :D 

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Reply by cardiacXsilence


knowing exactly what youre looking for helps. i like to thrift and shop second hand mainly to get authentic 2000s clothes!! a lot of scene kids werent full "myspace scene" 24/7 since fully accessorized outfits r just inconvenient. i use mercari, ebay, and poshmark the most. searching with tags on mercari rather than by title is easier (i.e. #scene #emo #posthardcore) 

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