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Any tips or hacks for scemo hair??

Posted by Mikael


Forum: sc3mo k1dz!! Group

I have a bit of an issue with my scemo/emo hair 

It keeps getting behind my glasses and like poking me in the eye XP

Also, my hair is really difficult to dye (the colour basically just doesn’t stay)

Any other scemo peeps with glasses who have some tips or just advise for like how to care for my hair and stuff? :P

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Reply by xXLeia_LiarXx


i have emo hair and glasses and i when i straighten it I try to like straighten it lout so its kinda like not sticking right out but so you can put on your glasses and it laying on them yk. That probably didn't help but its what i do :)

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Reply by cardiacXsilence


normally if im wearing glasses i like lay my bang on top of the frames?? idk how to describe it but i use a bit of hairspray and such to make sure rhey dont mess w my vision

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