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If you were to move but never leave that place, where would you live?

Posted by Crurned


Forum: Travel and Places

This one is a tough one, I would live in a place that has mild weather, small chances of earthquakes or volcanoes to pop out, and passive people. To me it should be at La Gomera in Canary Islands. I speak Spanish so it is a no brainer for me, also per Google the island has no volcanic activity in the last 11000 years.

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Reply by iAmThatKidYouKnowWhatiMean


back to poland but in like the forest somewhere so i dont get bothered by anyone

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Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx


I'd easily move to Seattle, Washington because I love the rain, plus I visited Seattle twice in the late fall (early December 2018 and late November 2019 respectively) and it was paradise to me. The air was cleaner than it is here in stupid California, the sky was beautiful, the weather was nice and cold, and I had a great time there. Plus, it snows there sometimes too. :vampire:

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Reply by Joel


I really wish that i could say that i wanna live somewhere like Florence, Italy or maybe my great grandmas ranch in Mexico but i think i would have to say where i grew up. Definitely not exactly in my childhood house or neighborhood but maybe just in the state of California. I think i could survive for the rest of my life staying here. I've lived here my whole life and have traveled to so many different places but i have never thought "i could actually live here for the rest of my life and never go back" it may be peaceful or gorgeous or walkable but nothing can compare to my home state. I really do believe i would never run out of things to do or see here. Anything i could ever want or need is here, at a price sure but money isn't everything and i have a good life here.

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Reply by Mac


Definitely a city in the Netherlands, perhaps Amsterdam but there are a lot of beautiful and highly liveable cities. Plus the red light district exists

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