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how do i change the online icon beside the profile picture in my layout? or how do i add images beside the online info?

Posted by Cervidae


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

hi all! trying to customize my layout more. is this possible?

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Reply by canto


This should get you started:

.online {
visibility: hidden;
font-size: 0;
.online::after {
content: url('https://static.spacehey.net/icons2/tick_light_blue.png') "ONLINE!" !important;
visibility: visible !important;
font-size: initial !important;

One important thing to note is that spacehey enforces what is known as a 'Content Security Policy' (CSP) that prevents external images from being hotloaded from a location off-site. This means that hosting images from sites like imgur and using them in the url field in my code will not work. You will have to upload them to spacehey and use them from there, or use an existing spacehey image. You can change the text all you want, though. I'm not sure if it's possible to style the image created via the content tag.

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Reply by ⚔︎LΩ∇ΣRβΩΨ⚔︎



.online{content:url("IMAGE URL");}


That's how I did mine!

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Reply by ⚔︎LΩ∇ΣRβΩΨ⚔︎



.online{content:url("IMAGE URL");}


That's how I did mine!

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