this is kinda a lot so sit back, so 2 years ago, New Year’s Eve we were just getting ready to go to bed after a rly fun night.. we headed to r basement and turned off the lights for the night and before we did we noticed something.. we have this family plaque… it’s wood and brown, and has a owl each owl representing a family member we noticed 2 of the owls were gone, ironically the 2 owls that were clean off of the plaque was the mother and father of my own father, who actually are both dead.. keep in mind these plastic owls are WELL glued on and this plaque has been with us for years. 2 years later, and after deep cleaning we cannot find the 2 owls.. we looked in every corner and simply we never found it. the rest of the owls on our family plaque are still on it. very unexplainable and gives me goosebumps to this day. what makes it weird is they’re both dead and both parents fell off at the same time.. eh thought I’d share bet some would find this very odd/interesting! xx