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When do you pack for a trip?

Currently debating with friends. How early is too early to pack?

Around the web, some folks are saying 2.5 months ahead of time is normal. As a night-before packer typically, I'm trying to get betterโ€”but give me a reasonable timeframe, lmao.

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like the morning before or two nights before

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Reply by Harryjoinspente12


For longer travels (a week or more), generally speaking, begin your packing process a few weeks to a month in advance to allow yourself enough time. This offers you enough time to compile a list of the items you'll need, organize everything, and pack everything without having to have fun at the last minute clock here

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Reply by Franklin


Three weeks ago, I visited Dubai and I'm excited to share my experience. I packed a week before leaving, and everything went smoothly. Packing time varies depending on your trip and circumstances. In my case, I went for a week to engage in outdoor activities in Dubai. Therefore, it took me a week to pack essentials for activities like dune buggy rides in Dubai's desert safari.Which i booked two weeks before my trip from Dune Buggy Dubai.I had to ensure I packed all the necessary items related to this activity for a seamless experience.

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