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What is your opinion on pokemon fake leaks?

Posted by R4k00_


Forum: Pokemon Group

Do you guys remember all those fake leaks that came with new pokemon games?

I honestly like the concepts of some of these.

I saw one that was basically a final evolution for Jynx and it was  so cool.

what do you think?

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6 Replies

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Reply by Miscellanity


some are interesting and better looking the the official(emphasis on some) others look horrible so its funny to look at

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Reply by Pai Sho Cajun


Fake leaks or just fake-mons?

Fake leaks can be anywhere from "can you try harder" to "this is quality enough that it might just be real" to "holy crap this wasn't real?" for me.  The first category fortunately I rarely hear about it my semi-casual exposure to poke news before a game launch.  The third is frustrating because sometimes they're better ideas than what GF/TPC actually does come out with.  The second, though, is my favorite because it keeps you on the edge of your seat.

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Reply by Joe Soup


i think they’re pretty fun to look through and speculate

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Reply by Ceres_the_interdimensional


I personally love the era of fake leaks when a new game is coming out/been revealed, it's so fun to see all of this stuff that gets the community theorizing real or not, and also it's ridiculously fun to see fake leak "culture" evolve, such as when the Alolan final start evo leaks where proven to be true, when sword and shield were revealed, a lot of the fake leaks, mainly starter ones, were in the style of those real leaks

Also side note, i remember no one thought the starter leaks were real at first until they were revealed 

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Reply by W0lfyFl00f


They’re amazing actually I would have picked water in Galar if the Platypus was real

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Reply by bismuth


tbh I love them. I got into the games in gen 6 and as a little kid I fell for SO many fake megas, as soon as figured out that they were fake, I got into making my own in mspaint, haha

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