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How many piercings do you have?

I just wanna know how many piercings the other members here have. I personally have 13 and counting as of December 2022 (5 holes on both ears from standard lobe to lower helix, my right nostril, and snakebites). I'm literally the most pierced kid at my school, lol, and of course, I'm planning on getting more soon. I've been addicted to piercings since I got my 1st holes at the mall on Sunday, 4/6/2014.

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Reply by RAT


only 5 so far sadly , bridge , septum, ear gauges , industrial but planing to get the rest of my ears , snake bites and eyebrows soon

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Reply by ninooo:33


i have 17 piercings rn - seconds, third, conch, rook, industrial, helix, upper helix, bridge, nostrils, septum (is streched, i'm at 5mm-4g now), medusa, snake bites, labret and tongue!!

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Reply by RAT


update i now have 12  now have 2 more ear piercings (lobe) two nostrils and snakebites :)

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