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x japan

Posted by KYLIE


Forum: Music

i havent seen a topic that mentions the band that basically blue printed visual kei. anyone heard of them?

the band was called X and was formed in the early 80's by the drummer (yoshiki) and lead singer (toshI)

they went through a lot of member changed but they had one fo the best bass player and guitar player in japan (taiji and hide) rip to both of them <3

they broke up in 1997 after toshI left (you can look this story up, he was brainwashed)

and what i find really freaky is how their music video for weekend had some uhhh... well... scarily accurate self fulfilling prophecy. very self aware sadly.

if you havent heard of them i definitely recommend you check out their music and history of the band. they are very very interesting

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Reply by Maximoto


Ik this is an old topic, but I used to loooove X. hide was the 🐐, but Yoshiki was my favorite.

Although I have no fkn clue what they're doing currently, I keep up a little but mostly it just looks like Yoshiki is branching out into other projects and X is pretty much in permanent hiatus. Toshi is doing his own thing, hide/Taiji/Heath have passed, and Pata was doing his own thing too but I read the other day on Yoshiki's brother's Twitter something abt Pata needing a wheelchair(?) so idk. 

I used to be very active on X Freaks forum back in the day & they have a Discord server now, but since it doesn't look like they'll ever release the fabled album I just kind of lost steam for it all sadly. 

They'll always hold a special, nostalgic place in my heart though🖤

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