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Making your own religion?

Posted by Melody :D


Forum: Religion and Philosophy

Idk why I just feel this needs to be said.

Honestly I like to believe in god's, deity's, Satan, Lucifer all that yah know? BUT honestly I don't care about them. I have my own beliefs and "god" that don't really fit into the Religious status of the world. Honestly idc about other stuff but what's people opinions on that?

And no it's not just for funsees I genuinely believe in this god and these rules of this Religion I've made. Honestly I've always gone by it in some form even when I was a very small child.

If be willing to go more indepth into it if someone wants to buy yah there's my little pov of religion and life👍

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Reply by Vergil


I believe that dedication and belief can create/strengthen any sort of deity, guardian, spirit, or similar, and it’s continued faith even by just a single person that gives them life, so ‘making up’ your god and religion isn’t fundamentally much different to a religion with a large amount of practitioners. In fact, having this very personal belief may allow you to have a much closer bond with your deity, if you wish to work with them that way, and perhaps the idea for your religion was one already instilled into you by your god. I don’t have any specific questions but if you’d like to explain any parts of it you want to share I’d love to hear. I’m not religious myself, just interested in the concept, but I do have a lot of respect for those who practice lesser known or completely individual religions.

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Reply by CloudyJester


All religions start from somewhere. Why should it be any less valid that one is starting from you?

If you truly believe in the system you've created, then it's as valid as anyone else's. Good luck with your spiritual journey. Make sure to look after yourself :)

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