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UPDATED iMessage theme for the new SpaceHey Instant Messenger!!!

Posted by mori


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

Hello again!!

The new and improved iMessage-style theme for SpaceHey IM!!!

I originally made this theme a couple days before the IM update, and it ended up breaking just a couple days after it came out, lol. But I've updated and improved it today!!!

If you want to use it, you have to install the Stylus extension for Chrome or Firefox. (Pale Moon comes with an alternative called Stylem, but you shouldn't use Pale Moon)

After that, you go to this page [link] and click "Install" and it should then work perfectly with SpaceHey IM!

If there's any changes you think I should make or bugs I need to fix, let me know and I'll update it!!

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Reply by GRIFFEN


WHO is that incredible person you're PMing? Very cool theme!

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Reply by unikittyplays27


This is me. This is the shape that let others recognize me as myself. It is my symbol for myself. This is, this is, and this is as well. Representations. Everything is merely a description, not the real myself. Everything is simply a shape, a form, an identifier to let others recognize me as me.

Then what am I?

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