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The Sects of Ahmadiyya Islam [pinned]

Qadiani Ahmadis are the largest sect of Ahmadiyya, their official site is https://www.alislam.org/

Lahori Ahmadis are the second largest sect of Ahmadiyya, their official site is https://aaiil.org/

Janbah Ahmadis the third largest sect of Ahmadiyya, their official site is https://www.alghulam.com/

Mouslemeen Ahmadis one of the newest sects of Ahmadiyya their official site is http://www.jaam-international.org/

Green Ahmadis are an offshoot of the Qadiani sect, their official site is http://greenahmadiyyat.org/

Sahih Ahmadis is an offshoot of the Mouslemeen sect, their official site is https://www.jamaat-ul-sahih-al-islam.com/

Sultani Ahmadis Started by a disgruntled Qadiani
Ahmadiyya priest, it focuses on revelation and the claim of its founder,
Nasir Ahmad Sultani as the reformer of the 15th century Hijri. their
official site is http://al-ahmadiyyat.com/

Anwar Ahmadis another Ahmadi sect based in Nigeria https://wiki.qern.org/ahmadiyya/organisations/qadiani/anwar-ul-islam-movement-of-nigeria

Deedar Anjuman Ahmadis an offshoot of the Lahori sect their website is http://www.deendar.org/

Aljamaat Alislamiya Almohamadiya a new Ahmadi sect started in west Africa by a claiment to prophethood and a successor "prophecised" by MGA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjonDlvcr6I

Here is a list of the extinct Ahmadiyya sects:

-Timapuri Ahmadis https://wiki.qern.org/ahmadiyya/organisations/qadiani-claimants/abdullah-timapuri

-Haqiqat Pasand Ahmadis https://wiki.qern.org/ahmadiyya/organisations/lahori/haqiqat-pasand-party

This is the founder of the Sultani Ahmadi sect He
seems to have claimed the same prophethood as MGA. He has also claimed
to be a Mujadid and that his God speaks to him regularly. His brother is
a murrabi in the Qadiani jamaat at Rabwah. He was alao a MISSIONARY of
Jama’at AHMADIYYA he was sentence to death for blasphemy in Pakistan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1Fw_qmxfdQ

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