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New member, hi there!

Nice to meet you all here! I'd like to introduce myself and send out a lil calling card to meet potential people/friends (especially those in the US for more US friends as all my other friends are mostly from neighoring countries) 

My name is Renn and that is my perferred name, however I also go by Alex! I identify as genderfluid (pronouns she/he/they) and a biromantic asexual. I have a QPP and while i'm not looking for another partner or a romantic one, I would like more close platonic friends or people to know~ 

I am 19, an INFP, and my sign is Aries (I'm an astrology nut) 

I currently work as a bear stuffer at Build A Bear Workshop in a mall! I also majorly collect them and other stuffed animals as well. I like Disney/Pixar/Marvel as well as various animation, cartoons and shows. I like musicals, especially the Beetlejuice musical right now as lots and LOTS of music + videogames! Feel free to read my profile for more info on all that.

I'm an artist who's trying to get towards going to art school, possibly for concept, illustration or storyboarding. 

I love nature and outdoorsy things, and I love talking about animals, cool facts, and science like stuff, my friend recently visited the Luray caverns in Virginia and I geeked out lol. 

That's about it for me I think, thanks for reading this if you do! Hope we can interact despite my life being a bit chaotic and busy. 

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2 Replies

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Reply by 2oo5


Hi, Renn! I’m Sunday :-D

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Reply by naz


hi u seem supes cool. love the persona 5 reference !

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