(Sorry if my english is bad)
Maybe a little late, but here, I am a friend of trichotillomania!
You are not the only one, we are many, calm down. It can be hard to talk about but we are here for you.
I was always embarrassed the first years (I was just entering high school). She used to wear caps or hairstyles to the side (which didn't work).
To this day I can say that she "overcame trichotillomania". I say it with quotes because sometimes the odd hair goes away.
Here are some tips for you <3:
- I never hide a baldness, but I can advise you to wear hats (of all kinds), haircuts or hairstyles that help to hide and extensions.
I used hats, hairstyles and haircuts to disguise when I had almost no hair in one area, it helped a lot. Also when I had hats, I couldn't touch my hair, so I couldn't take it out either! :D
Here are some tips that may help you <3:
- Wear hats or gloves. It depends on each season, use something for the cold or heat. Use this even inside the house. With the hat you can't grab the hair (if you usually grab it from the root, if not, you can tie it too). Gloves make it difficult to grab the hairs.
-Have a hobby. It may sound silly but I started knitting, drawing, even going for a walk. This kept my head busy and I didn't think about pulling hair out.
-Have a positive look. I know that maybe it is difficult but look at it as something you will come out of, look for experiences on YouTube, that helped me a lot. Believe me it will help a lot depends on how you look at this.
I thought I would never go out and it made me very sad, I was always lying on my bed, doing nothing. When I changed the perspective, it was very different, a great help!
-if you pull your hair before sleeping, you can put a bandana on your head and tie up hair if necessary(It also helped me!)
Remember you are strong and you will get out of this!
We are here for you!
Regards <3