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Radio Station Not Working With Y2K Theme

In Case You Dont Know
I Use This Y2K Theme for My Spacehey Account (Because all the Other Themes Have an Awkward Post 9/11 Feel to It)

I Want to Use A Link to A 90s Dance Station (FM 101 The Planet) to play
When You Enter My Site
(The Station is Only Really Available in Canada Right Now But i Managed to Find FM 101s Main Stream Link to Use in Here)

I Want to Have This on my Site to Add to the Experience That 1 Youtube Video or Spotify Playlist Wont Do

But When i Try to Add the Code to Add the Station
The Player Doesn't Work and When i Try to Edit The Code, The Stations Stream Link Vanishes

This is The Only True Y2K Theme That Exists

I Tested it in Codepen and It Works Fine
So IDK Why It Doesn't Work in the Main Spacehey Page

Heres The Source Code In Case Your Wondering

<!-- (c) Layout created by emo.rat (https://layouts.spacehey.com/layout?id=3462) -->

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<!-- (c) Layout created by lua (https://layouts.spacehey.com/layout?id=2529) -->

.audio {
    border: 1px solid;
    background: #f3f3f3;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    margin: 10px;
    padding: 5px;
<div class="audio">Music Powered By: FM 101 The Planet!<br/>
<audio controls="">
  <source src="https://c9.radioboss.fm:18130/stream" type="audio/mpeg">
  Your browser does not support the audio element.

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2 Replies

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Reply by Squishy


because your audio source requires a sign in perhaps? when i just just going to the source in a browser it just asks me to sign in. your cookies and autofills might be automatically signing you o on whatever your accessing it from. but unless theirs something im missing here its not allowing me permission to view the source

edit: i tried on an external source just saving as a local html file the audio section and the player comes up but wont play unless i enter login information on a popup on page load. so even if the site wasent blocking you chances are it wouldent play

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Reply by baliebox4916


how do i make a local/external file to play the station

you dont need a sign in
but as of nov 2022 the station is region locked to canada right now due to funding issues

but at the same time its the closest thing to the old energy 108 that exists
(hence the combination of this station and the 90s y2k theme)

if i get the station working ill probably put the words
"VPN Required, Connect to a Canadian Server to Access The Secret 90s Radio"

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