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hello! deathcore artist here

hellooo, i'm a deathcore artist + producer currently working on a solo ep but with a bunch of covers out currently. feel free to shoot me a message if you wanna link and feel free to post your music here as well! i wanna listen >:)

my portfolio <3

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Reply by SWH (Punk Jesus)


Ooof That's got some god damn SLAMS. Very new Deathcore style. Sick vocals on here too

Drums sound pretty damn good too. Great overall mix, shame they're all covers. I'd be more interested in hearing original work as well as Covers.

Here's my complete (solo) works if you're interested too :D


It's got some metal, synth, dubstep, and many other bits.
Got a bit of Deathcore coming up soon too. :D bit more 2010s style Deathcore than your videos, but still having some nice chunkiness to them.

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