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Games you wish you could play for the first time again, not knowing the story

Posted by Mason


Forum: Games

Focusing on narrative driven games

OneShot - I've never played a game quite like like OneShot.  The main story then the Solstice content.  I've never felt so involved in a story.  Don't look up any game play, you have to experience this blind.

Oxenfree - This is a good scifi/thriller.  Once you understand the story you look back at the game and really understand stuff in a different way. I am so hyped for the sequel. 

The Outer Wilds - I'm upset I think I got a big puzzle spoiler on this one.  The way it just drops you into the game but shows you how to solve puzzles without you realizing it.  It feels so rewarding to make progress, and learn its really interesting story.

Life is Strange 2 - I think this is better than the first game.  I know LiS1 is more popular so this one is more subjective.  I will say that LiS2 ending is so much better than 1.  The whole game is about choice, and 1 gives you the same 2 endings no matter what.  2 has more endings and I felt like the ending I got really reflected the reasoning behind my choices in the game.

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Reply by xenon


definitely omori and monument valley
omori tore my heart out of my body, deep fried it, cut it into little pieces, ate it with a side of fries and a coke to drink, shat it out, and put a band aid on it. i watched a playthrough instead of buying it and playing it because i didn't have a bank account but if i could play it without knowing anything about it other than trailers i know I'd love it even more than i already do
monument's valley story is tough to figure out, but once you do, it only adds to the beauty of the game

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Reply by killian


I don't usually play games for the story, I usually play games like Hitman and Skate 3 just to piss around and not pay attention. But one game that I'd love to play for the first time again is South Park - The Stick of Truth. It's an absurdly good game for how mad the show is, but the ending is brilliant

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Reply by Azure


Undertale, 100%, no hesitation, without a doubt. I know it's probably an obvious answer, but hey.

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Reply by Elliejojo


Not really a story based game but Minecraft all the way. Been playing it since the OG Alpha days and the sense of wonderment and exploration hasn't hit the same like it did waaay back in 2010.

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Reply by taotm07


Sonic Adventure 1 and 2

Both games have a cool edgy story with a plot twist (SA2 moreso)


I'd love to finish pacifist, and later genocide and experience the plot twist without having the internet spoil it for me. And to a lesser extent Deltarune but that game's story is not really complete yet.

The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles

I spoiled basically the entire game for myself. And it's arguably the best Ace Attorney game in terms of plot!

Super Mario Sunshine

It has a heavier plot than regular mario games, and i enjoyed SMS, maybe even more than Galaxy

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