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thoughts on barbarian (2022)?

i thought it was pretty okay overall, but sort of heavyhanded and it felt like the director was trying to do way too much in a single film. also they used one of my least favorite modern horror cliches, which is trying to make cute 40s-60s pop songs creepy. be my baby will NEVER be scary.

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Reply by Rosyquartz


I liked it, especially the end when the credits started

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Reply by Toony Tomb


It felt like the movie was trying to shoehorn in an allegory for gentrification into a movie that was just... goofy. It landed flat but honestly the premise of a crazy inbred giant lady was so outlandish and caught me so off-guard (because literally none of the advertisement had anything to do with it) that I would watch it again for shits and giggles. 

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