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Fleur - French YéYé from Holland

Posted by Barney Haywood


Forum: Marxism (Groucho Tendency) Group

"Bouquet Champêtre" by Fleur

fleur looking lovely

Fleur returns with her second album.

Floor Henkelman, aka Fleur, is from Holland, but sings coquettish yéyé pop in French.

Her first releases in 2019 invoked the dreamy chanteusse style of 60s singers like François Hardy, as on her debut single, Mon Ami Martien.

She's now released her second album, and the songs are as fresh & catchy as before. A nice & light sound (thanks to The Kik production duo Arjan Spies and Paul Zoontjens) and there is even something extra to celebrate, namely richer arrangements, sometimes of a baroque kind reminiscent of The Zombies. In a mid-tempo ballad like track 3 Au large we are introduced to a side of Fleur's voice that we haven't heard before.

Fleur's debut album was released at the height of the pandemic and she didn't have chance to promote it live. Happily, she's taking the new album out on the road, with gigs lined up initially in Holland, and hopefully later in Europe and the world!

Fleur's BandCamp for records & merch and Fleur's Website for gig & tour news.

Finally, here's the lead single from the new album from the girl with the best dressing-up box in pop.

Peace&Love ☮&♡ B.

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2 Replies

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Reply by Martin Dransfield


Yer css is showing! 

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Reply by Barney Haywood


Oh, Mrs!

Ta - sorted it

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