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Sega Dreamcast?

Probably the greatest console of all time, in my opinion. It was sleek, modern, and way ahead of the curve. So many gaming things we take for granted now, such as online multiplayer, was done first on the Sega Dreamcast back in 1999!!!!!!!! It had tons of fantastic games like Sonic Adventure 2 and Jet Set Radio that are masterpieces even to this day. Plus, the memory card was it's own mini console that you could bring with you on the go. Seriously we need a Dreamcast 2. Whos with me?

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Reply by gdb


we need a dreamcast 2, I cannot game on a 20 years old dremcast 1 released on 1999, even I liked it its getting old and needs repairs.

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Reply by sonic


I also want a dreamcast 2 so I am not living in the past.

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Reply by Toxikk the Paradox


Seriously the Sega Dreamcast 2 will be the greatest console ever. Gotta pester Sega until they make one for real.

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