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Welcome! Introduce yourself here... [pinned]

Posted by D.K.


Forum: Silver Screen Podcast Group

Hey Everyone!

This is D.K. and welcome to the Silver Screen Podcast group forum!

We're hoping to make this a safe, fun space for not only fans of the Silver Screen show, but as a hub on SpaceHey for Movies in general. We'd like everyone to be friends here, so if you know any cinephiles, please invite them along - everyone is welcome, and discussion is encouraged. The forum is open for any thoughts, feelings or suggestions. All we ask is that you respect others' opinions and kindly leave prejudices and hate speech in the dumpster out back. We have no place for it, here.

We thought it would be a good idea for everyone - should they be so inclined - to introduce themselves in the group, then everyone can get to know each other, so please feel free to introduce yourself, your interests etc.

I'll go first, seeing as I'm already here. I'm D.K. I've been co-hosting the show, thanks to the gent that is Mike, since early 2022. I'm originally from the UK, but now live in mainland Europe. I love all kinds of movies, but I'm mostly interested in sci-fi, fantasy and horror. I love trashy movies (as Mike can attest to) and... well, you can pretty much read it all on my page. I'm always looking to talk with fellow fans, so please stop by and say hello and we hope to converse with you soon!

Hello there!

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2 Replies

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Reply by TheGirlWhoWaited


Hey there, 👋 I'm Kelly, and I too love movies! I'm originally from central Texas, but settled down in Europe to live with my husband in the Mediterranean. My love for movies goes way back: Both my grandparents were huge Hollywood buffs during the golden age of cinema, and after my grandmother moved to California she was lucky enough to get walk-ons and bit-parts in films and military recruitment reels, while my grandpa did stunt work for stars. Their passion for movies passed down to me and I've spent my life appreciating every decade and genre of film from the silent era and musicals, to drama and comedy, all the way up to sci-fi and horror. I have so many favourite films, I can't always choose just one to comment on - but if I had to, it would have to be the one I know by heart from childhood: The Princess Bride. 

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Reply by Michael K. Wilson B.A


Hi I'm the aforementioned Mike. My passion for films goes back to watching the likes of Superman with my Mum on TV, but really sparked when I saw Jurassic Park, my first cinema experience when I was 11 (I'll let you do the Maths to work out my age). As a result of my passion I have a Bachelor of Arts joint honours degree in English & Film Studies. My favourite genre is sci-fi closely followed by horror then comedy. I also love all the obvious nerdy stuff like superhero movies. My all time favourite movie is Terminator 2 but my tastes can be eclectic. I'm a pretty open book so feel free to ask anything or look me up on the internet. 

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