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How can I be more active on spacehey?

Posted by hayl(eh)


Forum: Helping each other

alternative question: how did social interaction work in the myspace and forum days?

hi, i'm an older gen z who is mostly used to twitter social exchanges as i have trouble socializing at times but i would like to be active more in places like spacehey as i want to dabble more into forum and older forms of internet socializing. i want to keep myself on spacehey longer, how can i do that? how did socialization work in the myspace days, how did people keep it popular? 

also, how does conversation work in forum? i could never keep myself on one because i only understand social media apps.

thank you! :J

in a distant futurepast, 


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3 Replies

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Reply by NosyCat


You make it sound as if you're required to do a job, play moderator on a TV show or some such. Just look around, find conversations you like and join them. It's a little tricky on SpaceHey due to the lack of notifications for anything except DMs and blog comment replies, so it's okay if you forget to check a thread you posted in for a day or two. Otherwise we're just sort of hanging out together, you know?

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Reply by faekal_matter


dont put any pressure on yourself! its not like modern stuff like instagram where posts are curated and theres a pressure to work on followers. scroll through new profiles and have fun adding friends! 

it helps that you have your device save your login info so its not hard to get in. it is a website, not an app so its harder to remember. I suggest starting some messages with people you look forward to hearing from, thats what keeps me coming back. 

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Reply by dakota 📎


im older gen z too and it was like super hard to get used to it but usually what i do is i like honestly just post any thought that comes to mind into my bulletins and then if its like any type of question i have i put it in forums and then for blogs if i want to just talk a lot and like just explain something or talk abt my life or even just say good morning

like i just treat it like a diary that people can react to and comment on basically

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