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Black hole -Sink hole.

Posted by PurpleShamen


Forum: Writing and Poetry

Sink holes on Earth, when compared with black -holes in space can each take in vast amounts of unlimited resource -with great ease and with the greatest of thirsts. So are the planets that seem most attracted to those under whom the gravitational currents guide ?! Well, I can remember watching a television documentary on the topic of our universe where I saw a ufo 'either' floating through space (as is the conventional belief) or skimming across the waters surface as perhaps a pebble cast to a lake, and can remember thinking that the object seemed more as if it was moving through water instead of just empty space which had me wondering. Now, suppose that instead of their being nothing in the barren vacuum of space, that our universe is instead flooded with an abundance of water. Flowing through out the solar-system. I believe that in the very centre of the system, that there is a type of sink hole (or what they term as black hole) rotating the planets around by the currents that the waters generate and that it has little to do with gravitational force (think instead of water draining through a plug hole). As that is in fact the galaxy's water filtering through space. So, if our universe is indeed swamped with oceans of waters as I suggest, then why hasn't our sun gone out yet ?! Well, picture a lit candle. It requires oxygen to stay lit. Now if that candle is placed into a sealed jar, it will of course die out. So why hasn't our sun died out if it has no oxygen to help support it ?! Now replace oxygen -and barren emptiness with water and take a deep look into our planets oceans. Scaled down under -water volcanos spewing out tar and molten lava without ever extinguishing -and as with our sun (while heating up our oceans). Which also leads me to ponder that perhaps, the heat we experience from our sun -isn't simply travelling through empty space, but may instead be penetrating and heating up or "boiling the water" to warm our solar system in this fashion and so, if I am correct into believing that our universe is indeed flooded with water. Then it wouldnt be too much of a stretch to theorise that the things that we mis-identify as UFO's could in fact be forms of biologically living -underwater marine life (a type of jelly fish would be a good example). We have many bizarre aquatic animals here on Earth that could very easily fit the bill of things that seem "alien in origin" but that are native to this planet and so the thought of similar beings swimming throughout the oceans of space would make more sense to me than that of intelligent extra-terrestrials flying through our universe in their metallic space ships ...One final thought to add. When you view those grainy videos covering people on the moon. They seem to jump and walk in slow motion and they move even slower across the lunar terrain. Almost as if the astronauts are completely submerged in water and not simply empty space. But whenever they need to simulate the conditions of space, they always use a tank filled with nothing but water. Interesting ...

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Reply by PurpleShamen


I have two further stories to compose and then I'll be leaving spacehey. So no more empty friend invites please ...

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