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Of birth and re-birth

Posted by PurpleShamen


Forum: Writing and Poetry

Part 1 ...So We've all heard the stories. A man dying or close to death is brought back and informs others of travelling through a tunnel with a bright light at the end. Well they claim that they were being taken to the next life which I somewhat agree with. But not in the manner they express ...Okay, let's approach this topic from another angle. Now suppose the long dark tunnel that they penetrate in their journey, are as the uteran walls that travel through out the female form. And of the ball of light witnessed at the end ?! The ovum -the egg, and the destination ...Perhaps the things they experienced, were actually the process of conception and not of heavenly angels ferrying them to the next world, but to the next life, quite literally ...

Part 2 *Like father like son* ...You are your father's child, but a complete stranger to your mother. Until at least (with parental intervention) or with an urgency to exist. You take the lead to impregnate your mother yourself, with yourself -and within her -the seed of her son, and that of his father combined. Because put simply, you are your father, as well as a son to that father also. As it's not the parent who impregnates the mother. It's the sons, her daughters and ourselves who each penetrate to play the pivotal part in parenthood, as we're the reason that we exist -and that our fathers 'trivial -intervention' takes to the lesser role in the process of reproduction ...

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