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Rare or underrated 3DS games?

Posted by Rabbit1


Forum: Games

I'm always looking for some new 3DS games to play. If you have any suggestions, let us know! Give the name of the game, the genre, how difficult you would rate it, what the game is about (but no spoilers), and why you like it!

It's certainly not rare nor underrated, but I'll give an example. Tomodachi Life is a casual, simulator game. It's a fun and easy way to pass the time. In it, you just take care of a little town of Miis and watch them interact with each other. It's just cute and fun lol

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Reply by jay


rhythm heaven / rhythm paradise and project mirai are both amazing rhythm games. Both are super unique and fun to play. Project mirai works has unlockable levels and a decent amount of customisation, while rhythm heaven/paradise is more level-based.

Corpse Party is a survival horror game, if you've played games like Ib, mad father and the witch's house you might be interested. It's kinda old and dark in places but a really interesting story game.

The ace attorney series are super fun too!! There's loads of games in the series and they take a decent amount of time to play as well, with the cases getting harder the more you play. The characters and story are both so fun

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