"Friend Incite" ...
Online, there are those genuine users who not only feature a modestly "scaled down" circle of close knit friends but who's concern is consistent and who's humility is heartfelt throughout. In opposition to the collectors who "hoard out of habit". Those who only concerns with the digits featured on their spacehey profile, placed ahead of any sincerity sought within their circle. As with your invite adding yet another notch to their already "over marked" friends post by way to promote their popularity in "pretence", and for those contacts who literally try to reach out in any failed attempt in simply offering an opinion, are to be usually shut down in their friends refusal to respond back and in the dismissive manner to overlook (as well as to undervalue) the content of each character who consist of the crowd. Known only by name and no more, given that most friendships cannot keep as most friends cannot keep interest online. Or that simply, nobody wants to know someone that no -one else wants to know. Meaning that you can only become popular by "being popular" to begin with. Spacehey friendship may be a farce but it is a fact and so i guess that's the reason that they're called "users" online after all ...Quality over quantity ass holes ...