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Of time and space.

Posted by Witch Of WoodStock


Forum: Writing and Poetry

*Of time and of space* ...I've had this thought in my head for weeks and would like to get it out there. Okay so I'm now 42 years of age and it's currently the year of 2022. I haven't yet experienced 43, 44 or 45 as of yet. Now had I have been born just 4 years earlier in 1976 and from my perspective of being 42 and no older then won't that make it 2018 today and not of 4 years ago and that the current year of 2022 would be delayed in this new time- frame, as the natural flow of time would be altered to accomodate ?! I haven't seen 43 or over, nor would i have at any point in my life, and in either timeline. Kinda like time would've froze, slowed down (or even back -tracked) through time itself. Crazy I know but I cannot get this one outta my head ...Interesting ...I'll try and simplify this as best i can so forgive me if i screw this one up lol it's still new to me too ...Okay so take two pieces of string and cut them both to equal lengths. Now, string A will represent the years between 1980 -2022 (my present life- span). String B will be pulled back a little and will represent the year of 1976 and should reach toward 2018 ...Now both pieces of string are the exact same length from point A to point B but show two quite different period's in time and are yet both exact in length ...So 2022 can become 2018 given my current age ...Is this making any sense ?! The duration of time remains constant but that it's pace can also be altered so maybe "time" is more fluid than of our rigid understanding  ...A final thought to both, the fluidity of time -and of a set distance would be to take a car ride. When to follow the roads on a map. The distance remains at a set route and un-altered, but that the time taken to get to your destination can depend on the speed of your car, obstructions on the road, breaks between and so on. So what started as a 30 minute drive, could end up taking twice the time, or may even be "folding in on itself" to half the pace depending, while the distance taken will always seem set in stone, so to speak ...So to close on this topic, both time and space are parralell in length to each other. But that the concept of 'time' can stretch to twice or more the length of distance. Or even less than, if a little tangled together ...Of time and of space continued ...First place ? Second place ?! ...Although i say that distance always follows a fixed route, can only move in limited terms and under certain directions. Well i'm reminded of the movie "tron" ...Where two drivers are moving at high speeds and parallel to each other. Until one takes a sharp right and then a sudden left. Leaving driver B to fall behind of driver A, even though they both covered the exact same stretch, one is lagging behind the other. But, if you were to straighten driver B's course of twists and turns into a straight line. That it should match up perfectly with driver A's progress. Even though driver B has fallen far behind the other. They're both equal in ground covered, finishing in joint first perhaps, whoever crosses the line. Proving (to me at least) that distance and time can "sometimes" share quite similar qualities. I guess that there are exceptions to every rule, my own included ...

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