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Who’s your favorite character and why do you like them?

Mine’s Dr. Flug!

Dr Flug’s character is just very endearing to me, thats why he’s my favorite character! Even though he’s a villain he’s quite likable! He has an ego(goofy paper bag wearing b1tch ahhh) and he can be very sassy and quick-witted if he needs to be! Overall he’s a very intricate and well-written character with layers, to me atleast. His personality is just so YIPPEEEEEE!!! 

Seriously, in the orientation videos his personality POPS. And some of his jokes/puns actually do land, the writers really did make an big ass effort with handling his personality lol.

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Reply by montparnasse.vfx


el mío es Black hat, principalmente porque la voz es de Alan Ituriel pero tiene un no se que de villano hahaha 

aunq tambien me gusta mucho Flug, la personalidad y el diseño del personaje 

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