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Gravitational Ghosts ...

Posted by Witch Of WoodStock


Forum: Writing and Poetry

"Gravitational Ghosts" ...

So you're home alone late at night watching television. You hear the creeking of the living room door as it slowly begins to open -seemingly on its own. Or perhaps you're in the kitchen and making a cup of coffee as your cup begins to move or "shift" along the tabletop (as if pushed by a transparent force). You're understandably shaken and you jump to the -go to- conclusion that your home is being haunted. (You've seen similar scenarios on movies such as paranormal activity) so you might make contact with a priest. He visits your home, he blesses the property and then he vacates, having done all he could to sanctify the building. With your mind put to rest, you move on with your life having had your thrilling encounter with the supernatural. Now what if (just as an idea) the door that opens up as if pushed. The cup shifting across the table or even cabinets that open and close on their own weren't in fact manipulated by anything living (or even dead). What if the things that you perceive as demonic or supernatural in nature are simply explainable through physics ie. gravity, or of what I term "gravitational spheres" (think ball lightning as an example). Invisible, and gravitational bubbles (or waves) that are moving around the visible world, and that 'interact' as conventional gravity, but of a more chaotic nature ...So instead of our understanding of "what goes up, must come down". Perhaps in this instance -what goes down, comes back up -as this bizarre form of gravity is pulling (as well as pushing) objects and items in all directions ie. Up down and even sideways -and the objects that pass through these "bubbles", are accelerated and thrown violently outward. Giving off the impression that something supernatural is taking place, and that a poltergeist is throwing objects around, when in fact is a completely misunderstood (and as yet undiscovered) branch of physics. Gravity doesn't always have to behave in a way that humans can understand and best explain. Because, if we could explain everything in this world. What would be left to believe in ?! Perhaps in this case, "not knowing" is far more exciting than knowing ever could be ...And so, in closing to this story. If you have ever noticed that, whenever an object is inexplicably thrown clear across a room, that at no point does it seem to hover (or float) in the air, as if being held in place by a supernatural entity that is trying to gain your attention. The items always just fall straight to the ground every time ...If demonic beings do exist, and they possess the ability of manipulating (and of) moving around objects as we believe. Then why can't they simply lift up, and hold these objects out to us, instead of only managing to knock them to the ground ?! Which only helps to strengthen my theory that this is undoubtedly a result of the chaotic events of 'gravitational influence' and is not that of spectres, or "ghosts".

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Reply by Witch Of WoodStock


What's more ridiculous ?! The idea that gravity might be responsible for most of the paranormal happenings in the world. Or of a ghost running around without legs, throwing objects without hands or any arms, whispering in your ear without vocal chords and watching you in the shadows with no eyes or head to turn with ?! Which one sounds more ludicrous in your opinion ?! ...

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