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is there a way to turn on notifications?

Posted by Duckie360


Forum: SpaceHey

i thought it may be useful as someone sent me a message and i only responded 4 days later as i didn't get a notification

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Reply by NosyCat


Far as I can tell, there's no such feature yet. SpaceHey is a slow-web kind of website, got to take it easy and settle for checking back when you can.

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Reply by BudderPecan


I think I have found a way, you can follow forums using the RSS feed. (That orange wifi-looking icon you see on every forum page.)

First you have to get a browser extension that can read RSS feeds, I use Feedbro for Firefox, but there is also RSS Reader for Chrome, and looking up RSS reader will find an addon for most browsers.

For Feedbro click on "add a new feed" (The orange icon), and it will ask for the URL of the feed you want.

Then you have to go to the Forum category or topic and click on the orange wifi signal-looking button, you will go to a page with a lot of code. Copy the URL of the page (Not the code in the page.) and paste it to the URL box.

And then you are able to follow a Forum thread or topic.

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Reply by SafeInSanity


This feature needs to be added to the forums themselves!

Interesting though.

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