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How does one talk to people??

Posted by Mitch


Forum: Teen chat Group

I legit don't understand how without it being awkward as hell

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15 Replies

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Reply by Wizza


Don’t. Do like me and die alone. It’s great knowing I don’t have too impress people.

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Reply by Shay 🤍


Use your tounge and throat and a strange sound comes out , that’s your voice, you can take it out of your brain an implant it into the world I suck at talking to people ngl well did but you just gotta learn to not gaf we live on a fkin rock in the middle of nowhere nobody cares , u remember someone’s most embarrassing moment from a few years back maybe a week? No? Same for them they don’t remember. No one cares 

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Reply by 4NG13


just say whatever comes to mind don’t overthink if they dont like it screw dem

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Reply by Josh 98


start speaking on social media like on myspace or instagram

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Reply by metanoia


i generally tend to avoid conversation with people if i can help it,, it's an unfortunate habit since i often find myself fixated on how the other person interprets my words or me in general! i am often terrified about people's perceptions of me and i can't find myself connecting with people in conversations beyond a simple "how are you?" at the register,, even with "it doesn't matter what they think!" or other attempts to encourage me!! the simple solution is to avoid talking to people and to avoid sticking out. recently i have found that my newer habit of browsing spacehey and replying to forums has seemed to help me out in that aspect! i am less prone to shying away from conversations and i have grown fond of the idea of sticking out! it is very strange for me!

there are many ways that you can try to brush up on your skills, and i hope eventually you find it! i am hopeful that there is solid advice somewhere for you to follow if you still feel inclined to weave conversations intricately! it can be very heavy and difficult to partake in conversations and you have every right to feel out of place or awkward! 

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Reply by Dead_end_friend


I usually start by asking someone a question like, do you know if they have handed out reports yet and just build the conversation from there. If they seem boring i say i have to go. Keep doing this with people until you find someone interesting. I usually only do this at school tho idk if it would work anywhere else.

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Reply by Lillers


i suck at talking to people online and irl, literally just say what comes to mind, talk about your interests and what you like so you find the right people, my friend always pretends to be someone shes not online and all it does is make her make friends with the wrong people, BE YOURSELF!

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Reply by frankie ♱


When people say be yourself, honestly don't. I know this may come off toxic but make your personality as similar to there's as you can, after a few weeks start opening up and being yourself more. Honestly, there is no correct way to talk to people (unless speaking to an adult) so just say whatever you see fit :)

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Reply by nyctibiidae


idk i communicate in frequencies only dogs can hear

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Reply by darinerotica :3


js bark at them theyll fall in love

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Reply by mS p41nT!!


gift them a rock/pop tab/something shiny at the start of every conversation

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Reply by Agustina


(sorry for bad english) this is cliche but, be yourself lol. Talk about thing you like so you will attract people like you. You can use keychains, pins or something that represents you.

There is people looking for friends or another person to talk too. I think having accesories about a hobbie or a movie, anime, band or wathever makes it easier for somone to talk to you.

I hope this help you :)

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Reply by Virien☆


Hi !! I try to listen in on their convos w/ others at first and if they mention something abt stuffs i know ( for ex.: they like barbie ; i am a fan of barbie ) then i'll try to talk to them abt it ( after they finish their convo w/ others) . For ex.: Hey ! I heard u like to watch barbie ! I like to watch barbie too ! Want me to give u some recos ? Hope this helps ! (⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠~⁠♡(⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠~⁠♡(⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠~⁠♡(⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠~⁠♡

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Reply by Teenage_Faceland


Usually by making specific combinations of sounds with your mouth to convey meaning, but that's too Reductive isn't it

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Reply by ☆ maeve ☆


there's so many unhelpful answers lol, hopefully this'll help;

idk about school or just randomly in public, but if you do volunteering, maybe at a charity shop or smth like that, then it's super likely you'll meet people your own age and it's almost guaranteed you'll see them on a regular basis if you go the same day every week.

it's really easy to make friends when working together volunteering cause not only are you all doing super simple tasks while you talk but you just have to introduce yourself and start asking simply questions about the other, 

ie. "what age are you?" "what school/college/uni do you go to?" then ask questions based on that like what subjects/course they're doing, or if they're working then what their job is/where it is, just ask people about themselves

if you like something they're wearing or such, compliment them on it, "oh btw i like your ___" and if you have a shared interest (maybe they're wearing merch of a band/show/movie) then talk about that

even just talk about the task you're doing

if the conversation begins to flow, then great, if they're dry/uninterested (short answers, negative facial expressions (frowning, dirty looks), etc) then back off and talk to someone else

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