Many in these modern times of ours harbour the misconception that "intelligence" as akin to knowledge are the primary driving forces which aid toward the separation of the human race from the wider animal kingdom and that (with thanks to) our much more refined and highly developed intellect, that we as a species can invent such remarkable and technological wonders as witnessed by a majority who offer up their time toward the recreational pursuits of (as an example) the ever expanding internet, the gaming world as well as television but we seem mislead (or conditioned) into the conviction that one's own intellect and the knowledge provided to a privileged few has any bearing toward furthering the human condition. Better known as the age of creativity but you would be wrong. Let me put it to you this way, what is of a greater importance when inventing (oooh let's say) the aeroplane ?! Does a sharp intellect and learned knowledge take the starring role whenever one develops a wonder never before witnessed prior to the initial construction (and flight) of these levitating lumps of metal or did it have its roots within a person's own fertile imagery ?! I have had ample time in my life to consider both, the opportunities and of the respect placed towards those of a higher IQ that most would favour without question before ever considering the envisioned thinkers or "the dreamers" of this world that are overlooked by the masses and have come to the conclusion that those in the possession of a rich and vivid imagination are the very people that have given rise to the awe-inspiring technological advancements offered to us and that those who are favoured as the knowledgeable or "gifted" truly are of limited use (when we should all consider) that you cannot create anything with a knowledge of something that doesnt even exist prior to the dreamers creative intervention and so offer up their new found and groundbreaking perspectives as to dwarf the same people that learn from the very thing that your imagination created to begin with. So let us now take this notion of the required "condition of creation" toward a more spiritual, or at the very least, of an inexplicible nature with the topic of ghostly encounters. Now suppose that an individual that who had paid witness to (what they believe to be) of the paranormal persuasion or. Apparitions, were infact the product of an individual's own thought related reality. In simpler terms, that we (as an imaginatory species) not only possess the ability of "reinventing" our shared reality through various technological methods. But that the potential given to the "mind's eye" isn't simply confined to the material (see, touch etc) but that our imaginative creativity also hold that limitless capabilities as to extend even further out to a point of visually constructing the corporial form of, and to even breathe an awareness into (what we perceive as) spectres, phantoms and ghosts. Simply by a belief of its existence, and there for creating (or giving substance to) the supernatural ...I guess that I'm trying to say is that, it doesn't matter whether you're an under achieving and struggling student with embarrassingly low grades. Nor does a high IQ level have any bearing on what you may accomplish in life. In fact the greatest thinkers of all time may not have had (what others would consider) a high intellect with collosal test results during education. But that they were probably the dreamers and the fantasists of this world who had in many ways given birth to the pinnacle of our technological advancements/artistry and even a fascinating literature that is well worth the read. Provided for by unlimited (and creatively) imaginative mindsets which had set the bar to a level from far out of the reaches of most of the mentally adept, or knowledgeable. As Albert Einstein himself once coined the term quote "knowledge is limited, but an imagination can encircle the world ...