I don't have much gear but I do think there is something important to say when it comes to stuff from real animals especially tails!
If you are a someone thinking of getting a real tail please research FIRST. I see to many people especially kids on TikTok accidentally buying fur from fur farms :-( if you are going to get something like this the general thing to go by is not stuff off of amazon and other big shopping companies and typically not stuff from Asia due to their bad animal laws making it very common for your stuff there to come from cruel fur farms.
I personally think this is a very important topic to talk about as if you buy from those places you are practically paying for what is happening to the animals sadly, please don't feel bad if you have accidentally done this but definitely be careful I mostly get my stuff from Australia and America knowing that the laws on animals in those places are typically much better and if you are buying some ask the seller where it comes from and questions like that.
if anyone reading this wants a more in depth explanation therian territory on youtube definitely does a very good job explaining this