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What are some good internet forums?

Posted by Apustaja


Forum: General

What are some good internet forums?

I can't find any good general purpose forums. all I can find is "reddit, quora, github, IGN, etc" but I want a non-mainstream but active forum.
I know there where some back in the day but know it's basically just the top 5 websites.

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Reply by Yuchun!


You're looking at it, the rest is a reminder that forum culture is dead.

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Reply by canto


A lot of 'chan' s fly under the radar and the less trafficked ones actually have some solid information. I'd recommend lainchan if you're into technology.

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Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx


I've visited plenty of other internet forums that are still around to this day, but they are only made for specific topics. There are still active forums for many topics you may be interested in such as optical discs (for example).

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