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There is no "Proof" God exists... but...

There IS proof that we can't truly have any solid faith in humanity...

So believing in God is completely unfoolish... even if you don't believe in God that's okay...

But I think this kinda answers the "Proove god exists"... we can't.

Only humans can prove whether or not we NEED to believe in one.

I'm very high. :)

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Reply by gt@


even if there were no evidence of God...

absence of evidence ≠ it doesn't exist.

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Reply by Seth


No, there's evidence.

Everything from hard, physical, concrete evidence of Biblical locations and artifacts - see the unearthed remains of Sodom and Gomorrah, baked to ash and surrounded by millions of pure sulfur bulbs in a shape produced by them literally raining upon the town, as well as The Shroud of Turin (falsely labed as a fake by NASA of all groups) - to the several historical (non-Biblical) accounts backing up Biblical accounts, to psychological evidence (many of Jesus' disciples were put to death and marched towards death unwavering in their beliefs that they had walked with the Son of God and would again soon - plenty of evidence exists, you just gotta come at it with an open mind.

I was an Atheist for half my life, never again will I turn my back on God - that's no way to live in my book.

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Reply by annie


there are ways you can prove that A god exists, not a certain specific god but A god. i recommend looking at st thomas aquinas' five proofs

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Reply by EarlBub<3


I agree it completely depends on the god or being we're talking about.

For instance, the proof of mother nature is nature itself.

To a religious person who believes god created us and the universe then the proof is us and the universe, it only proves it to the believer though.

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Reply by Jessica Snow


I expected to be treated like shit for posting this but these replies are actually super genuine and I can completely respect both points of view. 

Makes sense to me... you're both correct there!

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Reply by Eleven


Sure you can. What do you accept as proof? Intelligent design does enough for me. 

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Reply by ★ zhuva ★


One can actually prove wether god exists or not, but that mostly depends on what you name "god" as, and what kind of "rules" you set for it existing, yk?

Like if one proves that god doesn't exist, but then another chimes in saying that, for example, god is just consciousness existing in space, or idk something like that, then it becomes harder to prove if god does actually exist or not. 

Basically, it depends on which god you're talking about. 

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