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after highschool

Posted by alise


Forum: Jobs, Work, Careers

i live in cali rn but when i graduate im moving to washington and im going to be a librarian

rn im lookin for a part time as a librarian assistant

im going to save most of my paychecks to support myself when i move out, i have about a year and a half left

im focusing on my studies like school work rn, i recently moved so i dont have many people i know at my new school or friends so its pretty easy

im going to live in a cutesie lil studio downtown seattle

i romanticize my life and i soooooo look forward to how my life is going to be ill get to be free and happy, whether im alone or if i do end up with my boytoy 

i picked washington because of the weather and the living prices

its going to be so good im going to be so happy :)

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Reply by naofa


sounds nice, good luck with everything!

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Reply by pilmo_6


picking seattle for its cost of living is like a form of self harm. 

as someone who moved here post covid with a 4 year degree, im on food stamps and 3 jobs x__x librarians might make good money idk enough about them but an apartment downtown is going to be upper 1000's-2k or more no doubt + utilities + food + internet + gas + expenses for fun(<usually gets neglected for survivals sake lol). this city and surrounding areas are designed for the tech bros, everyone else either needs 1 or multiple roommates, or will chronically struggle/be driven out... yay for gentrification!! ^__^

done it with roommates and done it alone. if you can, try to find a roommate, whether someone moves with you, or you find people from craigslist/move into a place where people are trying to fill a spot. it'll save you thousands of dollars, which will take off many of the pressures of settling into the shock of a new place, lifestyle, responsibilities etc. 

and if at all possible...maybe consider a different city. portland is a little easier to afford too, and its pretty much the exact same place aha, a few less techies, more hipsters and weirdos. its no joke the cost of living here. but i dont know how california is, maybe its cheaper in comparison, but god damn i did not know what i was getting into when i moved here because i just blindly followed my boyfriend(now ex). 

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