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To mimic the mainstream ...

Posted by Witch Of WoodStock


Forum: Writing and Poetry

*To fit in, is to sell out -But to move to the point beyond from where normality permits -Are the weird and the way forward in this world, (in thinking ahead)* ...

"To Mimic The Main -Stream" ...

In often times, what's accepted in life, is what's acceptable to those lives. As whether to self deceive or so otherwise. When in knowing where to place (or to replace) the factual within a fictional truth, which can be a lie quite comforting -As to adopt the inviting mindset of the many, as an attempt to appeal to the many more, or quite simply, the like-minded coupling between countless thoughts to countless others. To mirror to each, as to fit in -the fakery of which can some -what aid in isolation. But clothed to conformity, and with intent to deceive 'i will become popular'...Or it will at least seem that way on the surface -As so above those shallowest of waters that seem to run deeply beneath our feet -are the currents of which that flow by closely together, but that are (on a deeper level), many oceans removed 'all-together' ...Because isn't that the point behind popularity ?! To mimic the mainstream, to lose yourself and all in order to 'fit in' ?! ...

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