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The fictitious sins from the here-after ...

Posted by Witch Of WoodStock


Forum: General

*The Fictitious Sins From The Here -after* ...So, I'm feeling the need to explore the scenario I think could best explain death. More-over, of my own private idea of what could be laying ahead if we were to die too soon in those lives and of what could be waiting for us all ...I touched lightly on this (quite similar) topic some time ago but feel that I have much more to add to it now and will go deeper into this unnerving topic. I'm also writing this in one go and can't be arsed to edit shit (ahem) ...Whenever the spectre of death is raised in conversation (as is at times the case between those close friends /family etc). Many hold firm to the belief of their souls passing through into the type of afterlife that they expect to experience ie. Bright light, end of the tunnel, Jesus, Buddha or Allah awaiting them and eternal bliss surrounded by loved ones who welcome them in and who had passed years earlier ...others believe that once you're dead that's it, nothing except darkness /the cessation of light and of life but I have another idea over what could be on the other side. For those who die prematurely at least. I picture a 20 something year old guy who's girlfriend had decided to break off their relationship for any number of reasons. She tears her boyfriends heart right from his chest, stamps on it and moves on. From his perspective, it's all over, finished. Let's also imagine that he overdoses on medication. Lies in bed and waits for it to end but he wakes to find that he's in hospital. Apparently, his neighbour heard his cries that night and called for an ambulance just in time to save his life (or that's how it's all supposed to seem). He spends a couple days in the ward until he feels fit to return home and to move on in his life when in fact, he did die in that bed on that night. The funeral was lovely, the eulogy was very moving to all and he was buried with dignity. So if he didn't actually survive that night, and was instead dead and buried. Then what's happening here ?! ...I have a theory that, when a person dies before they should, that god (or whatever higher power) can create the illusion of life. Seemingly same friends, same family same job/home and so on to convince them that they're still here with us, to continue making the mistakes or 'sins' that the lord above could then judge that person who didn't have the chance in making those same mistakes in life but in death. I'm reminded of my late mother's passing. She was told that she had cancer and that she wouldn't last another year. Lay on her bed surrounded by loving family and from our perspective, took her last breath and left us. But what if at that exact time, she woke to find out that the doctor had made a huge mistake and that she wasn't dying at all. We buried our mother in 2010 but what if somewhere out there, she's watching the television with the 'illusion' of a son who watched her die and with the daughters that aren't physically there, and all just to convince her that she's still alive. All created just so that the lord could judge us for the sins that we would've made in life if not for that early exit "from that life" -(our deaths) ...And so to recap, similar neighbours, believable friendships, and a family of brothers and sisters but who are all imposters. God would need to delude us into the belief that we're still alive and in this world to be able to better judge our sins in death or we would all be on our best behaviour if we really knew the truth, and perhaps that's the point ...This same idea is applied to a child that drowns in a lake. God would need to create the illusion that he is growing up, getting married, having children of his own, and is making the mistakes (or sins) that he would've made in life. If not for his untimely death, as to judge him for it one day ...The End ...

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7 Replies

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Reply by Witch Of WoodStock


This actually all came about in 2013 when I took an overdose of pills and lay in my bed waiting to die. Only to wake in a hospital bed and being told that I obviously survived the attempt. Which started me off in thinking whether or not I was really still alive or being deceived into believing this. To this day, i'm still not certain which to believe. Are you ?! ...

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Reply by Witch Of WoodStock


Rebecca hello my friend (^_^) I can't believe you read the whole thing lol heck, half way through writing this, I nearly lost the will to live (pun intended) lmao my stories are usually much shorter but I just had to share this enormous thought I had. Thankyou so much for taking the time in reading this. You made writing this well worth the effort for me :)x

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Reply by Witch Of WoodStock


(^_^) (^_^) (^_^) xx

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Reply by Witch Of WoodStock


That does sound like a nice place to hang out and to talk with others so thankyou for the reccomondation rebecca. My problem is that, I have great difficulty in mixing with anybody on or offline and would feel way too anxious so would probably run a mile lol I much prefer to post stories and to keep people at arm's length. I'm no good in groups as they would frighten me ...Been like this my whole life but thankyou for the kind offer and be sure to keep a look out for new stories and poems as they are on the way. Night Rebecca and, thanks x

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Reply by Witch Of WoodStock


I can understand your daughter's autism only too well Rebecca. I'm high on the spectrum myself. As are a number of my family members also. I think it runs in our family or something. Aunties, uncles, niece's. I didn't know you had a daughter. You look so young. Oh hey speaking of kids and autism. It's my niece's 18th birthday soon and I'll need to get her something to celebrate. She's heavily autistic too and I haven't a clue what to get her lol it's easier when they're kids isn't it. A cuddly teddy normally does the trick lol but these days, buying a Ferrari wouldnt even cut it haha hey can I be rude and ask your nationality Rebecca ?! I picture you as American ?! ...

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Reply by Witch Of WoodStock


My niece (her name is Courtney) also obsesses over all things anime and can watch back to back movies for days at a time in her room. But she's also very isolated. So you are American, that's very cool. I'm from a city called Manchester in England where oasis hail from (if you've ever heard of them) and infact, I bumped into the singer of that band in my local store just months ago. Everybody there had their mouths on the floor as if God himself had strolled through to buy a magazine haha I mean, he's A GOD but not THE god lmao x

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Reply by Witch Of WoodStock


I'm not sure of my niece's favourite anime cartoon but she adores most of them :) haha yeah lucky me, bumping into Liam Gallagher from Oasis :D I mean, OF ALL PEOPLE TO RUN INTO lol small world I guess lol so you say that your daughter Amber is into scooby doo. That's quite cool, I love Lazytown personally. It's just so colourful and happy :) Yes I have heard of Missouri but am not certain of quite where it is in the states. Is it in the south ?! I live about 250 miles north of London and next door to Liverpool. It doesn't always rain here, but man is it cloudy. Going around wearing sunglasses in Manchester and I'd need a walking stick and a guide dog to find my way around lol (I'm a chronic insomniac who always wears sunglasses). Dark clouds, heavy rain, hell even a level 10 hurricane isn't gonna get me taking these sunglasses off, I don't care how chaotic the weather lmao x

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