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Am I a furry?

Hey everyone, this seems like a really cool and supportive place so I want to ask, I'm in my teen years and still trying to figure myself out, and I think I might be a furry, how can I be sure though?

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Reply by Mediocre Mint


A furry is a self label but an easy definition would be liking or finding anthropomorphic animals interesting. You don't need a fursuit to be a furry (that's a fursuiter) and you don't need a fursona to be a furry. I personally just like drawing animals and anthropomorphic animals (animals on 2 legs or with human features :3) 

If you got any specific questions always ask! Most furries are quite welcoming, enjoy your stay

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Reply by NosyCat


Twelve and a half years ago I joined a furry community under the pretext of exploring certain corners of the internet. Over the course of a spring season, it went from, "I'm not a furry but these people are cool", through "I might be turning into a furry after all", to "I was a furry all my life but didn't have a word for it".

Point is, you don't have to decide any time soon, or consciously. Just hang around, enjoy yourself, be creative. Labels can come later if you feel the need for any. They're supposed to help you after all, not set rules.

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Reply by Minty the gremlin


Thank you guys so much, I really appreciate it! ^^

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Reply by Vampire Liker


Yeah, being a furry is really a matter of calling yourself one! You like the community? You wanna' be part of it? You wanna' call yourself one? You're a furry!

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