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I need help making a homestuck fan comic

curently im trying to make a homestuck comic about my ocs and i need help, i have no clue how to animate (just small things like gifs) or anything and i suck at a writing stuff so if anyone wants to help itd be a amazing!!! itd be a cool project for whenever your available n u get to work w cool people im currently working on a discord server so if ur intrested just pm me !!!!! (i dont wanna get into to much detail here so i dont drag on)

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Reply by noodlenoodlenoodlenoodle


ii'd be wiilliing two help, ii'm actually helpiing out a clo2e friiend wiith a h2 fancomiic riight now 2o ii'd 2ay ii have faiir experiience wiith iit. ii al2o have an aniimatiion program o7

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Reply by ian the lamest guy ever


sorry i havent replied yet i havent been on spacehey in like a year it feels like but thats sooo sick and id rlly appreci8 ur help ill give u my disc if u have it but if not we can just talk here

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