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Predictions for Saw X?

Does anyone think Hoffman and Amanda would return? What about your predictions, I haven't heard that many opinions about Saw X and I'm curious and need to talk about Saw with someone since I'm a diehard fan of the franchise :)

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Reply by iz


i hoooope they bring back some old cast members for the new movie! im dreading the idea that the new movie will follow spiral, but i dont think that'll be the case [hopefully].

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Reply by ★Dez★


I know Tobin Bell is returning and Saw X is supposedly to take place during the events of Saw 1-3 so hopefully we see the old cast members return. Thankfully it won't take place after Spiral :D

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Reply by xX_N1ghtm4r3_P01s0n_Xx



There was some behind the scenes photos showing someone being made up as Adam and a set of the bathroom. I also spotted it in the trailer.

Given the previous films track record, one of two things is gonna happen;

1. The film is gonna confirm loud and clear for everyone that Adam is dead.

2. The film is gonna retcon Adam's death and have him somehow escape.

I say about the track record cause look at Saw 7; they brought back Lawrence (Cary) after all that drama and crap. They can't get Leigh back, which puts a downer on it, but it doesn't mean Adam is out of the question altogether. On the off chance they do go route two, some films have had actors be swapped out for certain characters.

I also noticed that John seems to be unhappy about doing the game within the movie? Something certainly is stressing him out, if that shot of him holding his hands to his face are anything to go by.

Given Amanda wasn't shown, and Adam is here, part of me wonders if this film is taking place between Saw and Saw 2?

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