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2010-2016 were the last good years before everything started to go downhill

I feel like a lot of the current BS that we are dealing with now and other things that make the 2020's shitty (aside from covid of course) really started in late 2016 to early 2017 and before that things were going pretty well (aside from the 2008 recession that continued for most of that time) Not only that but it seemed like several sites were better at that time such as youtube since the addpocalyps had not happened until 2016.

If anyone else agrees or has something to add please feel free to respond below.

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Reply by GRIFFEN


i feel like people shit on the 2020s too much. sure the old stuff looks a lot better but nothing is really different with how people act if you boil things down

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Reply by AlterEgo


Nah for me I'd have to say 1999-2006 were where it's at.

2008 you had the great recession but things were getting worse even before that. That's also when the internet began to become more phone oriented and I don't know... like rules oriented and centralized and where you have to give your personal info to get an account somewhere. A lot of stuff online started dying off in 2008 as it shifted to video entertainment instead of text-based.

I mean really a lot of stuff started getting worse after 9/11 but we didn't start feeling the effects of all that until 2008.

If I could pick a year to go back to I'd choose 2005.

Also - yeah people are the same but back then you weren't connected all the time and when you were online, generally you'd be on your niche websites and forums talking to people who had similar interests and beliefs to you. Not like Facebook where everyone is mashed together and no-one really likes each other.

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Reply by plushieAnn


summer of 2019 was the best and last summer before the pandemic coming in and destroy  evrything i like

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