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Posted by Nadalia


Forum: Catholicism Group

Do you have to be baptised to be considered a follower of god or a member of the church and is it required to do for god? im 13 and im still not baptised because my father is the only non-christian person in our family really he doesnt believe in that stuff much and im kinda scared for him

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Reply by Zombie_ghoul


No, you don't need to be baptized to be a follower of God but a member of the church you do need to be baptized and their are a lot of people that have baptized kids that don't believe in God. 

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Reply by violet ‼️


I don't believe you need to be baptized, or even be a Christian to honor God and be a good person. By being a good person, you are honoring God whether you know it or not. If your dad is a good person he's fine lol

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