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dreams that become real + dreams that are years lonng

ok so first one:
Since I was very little, I used to like you know go places but sometimes ş-i'd zone out and just think to myself ''hey I've been here before and i remember this happening'' but they never actually happened to me. As years passed  I just convinced myself those were past dreams of the future?? if that's possible. It still happens to this day and it's scaring me.

second one:
since i was 9 years old there had been this girl in my dreams. She had boyish hair and we seemed to be living together. It was like when I slept i had a whole new life, I'd hug her and cry, go out with her and do all kinds of fun stuff. I remember us living in a house in the beach it was a tiny house and we would watch movies all night. This year, 3-4 months ago I saw us having a huge argument and she left crying, I have never seen her in my dreams since then, I remmeber waking up all sweaty and panicked and yeah thats it.

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Reply by Kit<3


that kinda stuff happens to me all the time man! the term of it is Déjà rêvé and its quite normal

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Reply by Bloodiedfingers


This legit happens to me ALLL the time. Like I’ll dream something and then it’ll end up happening down to the smallest key detail. It runs in my family, and Ive heard of it happening to many people. It’s truly intriguing 

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Reply by Alex


Happened to me a couple of times but never thought much of it

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Reply by Trickyyy


One time I had a weird dream where I was working for a sketchy construction company, and we had to fix the roof of an apartment building. I walked up the stairs and the last thing I remember was they were shaking alot and I fell to what felt like a long way down.

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